
Forms & Payment Options

By clicking on the blue “Referral for Service” button our form will download to your computer. Please fill out the form and email back to us at

After we receive your Referral for Service we will contact you at our earliest convenience to further discuss your child’s individual needs.

Payment Options

Currently we are able to receive payment by cheque or email money transfer only. Please let us know what is most convenient as your payment option.


Funding for some children is available from the Ministry of Children and Family Development – At Home Program. For details regarding the At Home program, please refer to the information found on the Government of BC’s website: Under the At Home Program. Invoices are sent directly to MCFD.

For children diagnosed with ASD, Autism Funding will provide some assistance. Our therapist is on the RASP list and is able to provide physiotherapy services for children aged up to 18 years old.

Some parents are able to use their extended benefit plans to pay for physiotherapy for their child. Invoices are sent to the parent at the end of each month and they are reimbursed by their insurance provider.

Other parents pay for physiotherapy sessions “out of pocket”.